torsdag den 19. maj 2011


When Saints Go Machine: 'Kelly' og 'Church and Law' fra Konkylie, 2011.

tirsdag den 17. maj 2011


Dagens (svenske og virkelig pæne) ord: isblick

Selma Lagerlöfs betegnelse for det helt særlige syn, som hun mente, en forfatter nødvendigvis måtte bevæbne sig med i sin tilgang til sit værk og sin skriveprocess.

Karl Ove Knausgård brugte samme ord om sin metode, da journalisten ved et arrangement i Lund i sidste uge spurgte ham, hvordan han kunne skrive så hensynsløst, om det ikke nagede hans samvittighed (hvad med dine børn, Karl Ove?!).

Isblik er svaret, isblik.

[jeg ved desværre ikke, hvordan man helt præcist tilegner sig denne isnende optik, men det lyder godt, og jeg er sikker på, at min eksamensopgave om Peer Hultbergs Requiem ville trives, måske endda blomstre, under dens kølige åsyn].

En ung Selma, 1881.

IS-BLICK. (i vitter stil) bildl.: kall, isande blick. DAHLGREN Moreto 7 (1873). Hjort fäste sin isblick på kungen. DIDRING Malm 1: 272 (1914) (Svenska Akademiens Ordbok).

Heaven on a June Day

Olivia Frølich: Heaven on a June Day, 2010

Min gamle gymnasieveninde Olivia er fotograf og tager de smukkeste billeder. Her er en serie med gode sommer-vibes og masser af bart kød - en ideel overspringshandling til opgaveskrivning på læsesal, hvis man gerne vil distrahere sine sidemænd, skulle jeg hilse og sige.


fredag den 6. maj 2011

Hvorfor må jeg ikk' få Debbie Harry-hår, mor?!

Andy Warhol-polaroider, sailor-outfit og et ømt portræt med Kermit... Det er virkelig ikke kedeligt at billedgoogle Debbie Harry.

torsdag den 5. maj 2011

Dads are the Original Hipsters

"Your dad was into American Apparel before you and he has the monochromatic pimp get ups to prove it. He was an all balls, no helmet kind of man that knew what full commitment looked like, and it looked god damn turbo hard. Bathed head to toe in the freshest royal Pantone swatches, he was known for fist slapping anyone who had the stones to step up and called him lavender. He was the King of single color outfit and he wore your mom like a crown.

So hipsters, next time you’re listening to Sleigh Bells in the dressing room while trying to look indifferent in the mirror, remember this…

If millions of hipsters shop at the same store, doesn’t that make the store mainstream?"

Dads are the Original Hipsters = one hell of a blog!

tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Who Put the Men in Menstruation?

The Menstruation Story, Walt Disney 1946

Barndommens gade, 1986 [spol til 8:15].

(flere mere eller mindre pædagogiske forsøg på oplysning her og her)

What would happen if men could menstruate and women could not? Clearly, menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much. Young boys would talk about it as the envied beginning of manhood Generals, right-wing politicians, and religious fundamentalists would cite 'mens-truat...ion' as proof that only men could serve God and country in combat. If men could menstruate, the power justifications would go on and on. If we let them.

- Gloria Steinem: 'If Men could Menstruate', in
Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (1983).

[TAK for tippet, Anna!]