søndag den 1. august 2010

Åh Jens

Den svenske crooner er tilbage! Og jeg vil egentlig virkelig gerne have fat i en billet til hans koncert på Vega næste mandag, som pludselig blev udsolgt, før jeg overhovedet fik set mig om... Indtil videre trøster jeg mig med, at man kan downloade hans fine nye nummer om håbløs kærlighed her ➙ secretlycanadian.com.

"It’s a song of hope. When love turns it’s back on you it’s nice to know there’s a world out there that doesn’t give a shit about your problems. That forces you to keep your head held high and move on. A world that is fragile and beautiful. Maybe it can sound cold to some of you, but let me make it clear that I believe in love, I just get so wrapped up in it sometimes that I need to put it into proportion. It’s something you have to do a lot when you’re Jens Lekman." [secretlycanadian.com]

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