fredag den 25. september 2009


jeg fylder 24, hurra!, og flager til lyden af de tre bedste birthday songs ever. Eller, de slår i hvert fald Stevie Wonder:
The Sugarcubes: Birthday (Life's Too Good, 1988)
Today is a birthday
They're smoking cigars
He's got a chain of flowers
And sows a bird in her knickers

Altered Images: Happy Birthday (Happy Birthday, 1981)
If they were me
And I was you
If they were me and I was you
Would you have liked a present too
Blur: Birthday (Leisure, 1991)
It's my birthday
No one here day
Very strange day
I think of you day
Go outside day
Sit in park day
Watch the sky day
What a pathetic day
...Og så må man selvfølgelig ikke glemme den her:

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